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News archive:
Sept. 25, 2004 |
Sorry for my absence... Bones and I are currently working on editing our live demo. But I found the time to finish and upload two live recordings from my solo gig at the Harlem on April 19th. (I have also slightly reorganised my "music section".)
May 16, 2004 |
I have upgraded my equipment! A new guitar, and new devices to easily and better record on my computer. A first new piece came up that way, too. It's a little sketch, hope you enjoy it: "The Princess Sleeps Tonight"
May 06, 2004 |
On April 19, I did a second short solo gig at the Harlem. I recorded the gig and might put a couple live-mp3s on here.
Feb. 29, 2004 |
I tried to do an old Ledbelly tune. Quick, live and mono: "Bourgeois Blues".
Jan. 27, 2004 |
The solo gig at the Harlem was fun. Here are two pictures. Florian Rothe took them - thank you very much!
Dec. 16, 2003 |
I can confirm a little gig at the Cafe Harlem in Berlin. I will be sharing the stage with two other musicians on the 26th of January 2004.
July 20, 2003 |
I uploaded a tune from 1994 - written and recorded by Bones and myself. It's called "In the Mine".
June 24, 2003 |
The first links have been added to the links section. It's not much, but it's a start.
May 30, 2003 |
Now, coyote-collective.com has its own little favicon for the browser address bar!
May 27, 2003 |
coyote-collective.com is now online! Check out the music section, and particularly the first album, The Driving Years!