- The Western Tune (live: The Far Side) [mp3 download]
1993, 1:25 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
This is GREAT FUN! We hadn't really rehearsed this, just did it as an encore because the audience wanted more. I announced it as "a kind of joke" before we played it. All the screams and shouts are from the audience!
- Crackin' Through the Walls (live: The Far Side) [mp3 download]
1993, 4:53 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
At the time I wrote this songs, I was playing with The Far Side, and they played it with me live, at a couple of occasions. This live cut (recorded on a Sony video camera!) illustrates rather well how I intended it to sound. Better, actually, than the version I did later and included on "The Driving Years".
- Friends to find, Part 1 [mp3 download]
1992, 2:56 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
I had borrowed a couple of keyboards and wanted to sound like Pink Floyd. Part 2 was to be a mix of Gary Moore, Scorpions, Dire Straits and Pink Floyd, but never really saw the light of day. Probably also because the lyrics and my singing were rather silly.
- No Girl at all [mp3 download]
1991, 3:24 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
This is probably going to make you laugh. A very early attempt at mimicking Muddy Waters and company. I got up in the middle of the night and wrote this when I was 18 or 19 years old.
- An Inch on the Page (demo) [mp3 download]
1994, 4:08 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
This is how 'An Inch on the Page' was first written. Later, when working with Bones, it became the version we used to play live.
- In the Mine [mp3 download]
1994, 2:28 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting/C. Bösel
Heavily influenced by Tom Waits, Bones and I produced our own little version of the apocalypse. I "sing" the verses (no kidding), Bones does the chorus and bridge.
- FULL ALBUM: The Driving Years: This is my first album project. "The Driving Years" is a collection of 11 songs that were written and recorded between 1990 and 2002. In a way, this is my personal musical history. Some of this stuff seems quite far away now, but I still like these pieces a lot.
- White Line Fever [mp3 download - 16.5 mb!]
1993 - 1996, 18:07 min. Written and produced by M. Oetting.
In 1990/91 we had the idea to produce a video clip and grace it with a piece of music especially made for the film. After filming with a video camera at various occasions over the span of three years, I started writing and recording the music. After another three years, this 18 min road movie soundtrack was finished. The film itself didn't turn out half as good as the music, so nowadays I make music and others go filming...

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Commons Music Sharing License.